WBro. K.W. Williams DGJD
Union Lodge #247
Worshipful Master and Brethren, this evening it is my intention
that we should embark on a journey that would lead us to two destinations:
it is my purpose to explore the Architectural History of these five Orders,
having established their architectural significance, to show the close
connection between operative Masonry and architecture on the one hand and
accepted and speculative Freemasonry on the other.
In other words, I shall attempt to
address the question: “Why do these noble orders feature so prominently today
in Freemasonry in general and in the furnishings and rituals of our Lodges in particular?”
My research and the decision to make
this presentation had its genesis during a visit in 2006 to the
My consciousness was indeed stirred. I began
seeing examples of the five Orders in buildings and structures such as:
Monument on the bank of the
own Grand Lodge on
Archway Screen of Hyde Park Corner-example of the Ionic
portico of the famous
even more famous and well known St Paul’s Cathedral- where in the masterly
hands of that renowned and venerable architect, Sir Christopher Wren, the Corinthian
occurs on the lower storey of the facades and on the upper storey the Composite
The next logical question that arose in
my mind was: “Why are they so prominently a part of the architecture of Masonic
Temples? At Grand Lodge in
First, let us look at the term “Noble”.
According to Perce J. George of Mannum Lodge #97, Grand Lodge,
However, Mannum asserts that Mitchell
Beazley’s Pocket Guide to Architecture refers to these five Orders as
“Classical” suggesting that both these terms are synonymous.
What is an “Order”? George Savage in
his “Extract from Dictionary of Antiques” proffers this definition:
“An ‘Order’ is an architectural term
which comprises the classical column with its capital and superimposed
horizontal entablature.” The column by
itself is not the Order.
They were strict rules which governed
the relationship between diameter and height of columns of each Order and the
proportions of intercolumniation.
The column proper is divided into three
named parts:
Base-a series of annulets or ring-like mouldings.
The portion of the column on which the Shaft is placed
may either be fluted (having long round grooves)
or unfluted or plain as are the shafts in the
– the carved head or upper part of a
column superimposed on the shaft which, by its design, is the manner by which
each Order is recognized and distinguished. This is developed later in the presentation.
In addition, the definition of the following architectural terms
must be noted:
the entire horizontal superstructure
supported by the row of columns and on which the arch of the ceiling is mounted,
comprising the architrave, frieze and cornice (distinct horizontal layers, one
on top the other running the length of the entablature).This detail is not
evident in the design of Company Path’s.
a square pillar projecting from a wall. Refer
to the western and eastern walls of the
a square or rectangular member interposed
between the capital of a column and the superstructure it supports( in other
words , akin to a shim)
Bro Alex Horne in his 1964 Prestonian Lecture reminds us that
from the first formation of society, order in architecture may be traced. When
the rigour of seasons obliged men to contrive shelter from the inclemency of
the weather, we learn that they first planted trees on end, and then laid
others across, to support a covering. The bands which connected those trees at
top and bottom is said to have given rise to the idea of the base and capital
of pillars; and, from this simple hint, originally proceeded the more improved
art of architecture
The five Orders of
architecture are thus classed:
What we have in the
The above listing ranges them not chronologically, but in
increasing order of complexity.
The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian are the original three Orders
invented by the Greeks and are considered as representing Strength, Wisdom and
The Tuscan and Composite are of Roman origin.
The Orders, as used by the Greeks, were essentially constructive.
The Romans, on the other hand, frequently used them as purely decorative
features, without any structural value; although they continued to use them
constructively, as in the colonnades of forums and temples.
The Tuscan is the first of the five
Orders of Architecture. It is the most simple and solid of the five orders. It
was invented in
Sir Henry Wotton in his Elements of Architecture describes it as
“a plain, massive, rural pillar, resembling a sturdy well-limbed labourer,
homely clad”
Doric Order
The Doric is the second of the Five
Orders of Architecture and the first and simplest of the Greek Orders. It is
plain and natural and is the most ancient. Its column is eight diameters high
and has seldom any ornaments on base or capital, except mouldings; though the
frieze is distinguished by triglyphs and metopes, and the triglyphs compose the
ornaments of the frieze. The solid composition of this order gives it a
preference in structures where strength and a noble simplicity are chiefly
The Doric is the best proportioned of all
the orders.
Historic tradition has it that, in
about 1,000 B.C., the Dorians, a tribe from the region to the north of the Gulf
of Corinth, invaded and conquered southern
Ionic Order
This is the third of the Five Orders of
Architecture and the second of the three Greek Orders. It bears a kind of a
mean proportion between the most solid and delicate orders. Its column is nine diameters
high; its capital is adorned with volutes, and its cornice has denticles. There
is both delicacy and ingenuity displayed in this pillar; the invention of which
is attributed to the Ionians, as the famous
Corinthian Order
This is the fourth of the Five Orders of Architecture and the
third of the three Greek Orders.
The Corinthian is the richest of the five orders, is deemed a
master piece of art, and was invented at
Legend has it that Callimachus took the hint of the capital of
this pillar from the following remarkable circumstance:
“A freeborn maiden of
5) Composite Order
The Composite, contrived by the Romans,
is the last of the Five Orders.
It is compounded of the other orders.
Its capital has the two row leaves of the Corinthian, and the volutes of the
Ionic. Its column has the quarter-round as the Tuscan and Doric orders, is ten
diameters high, and its cornice has denticles or simple modillions. This pillar
is generally found in buildings where strength, elegance and beauty are
According to Horne, the ancient and
original orders of architecture, revered by Masons, are no more than three, the
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. To
these the Romans have added two, the Tuscan,
which they made plainer than the Doric, and the Composite, which was more ornamental, if not more beautiful, than
the Corinthian. The first three orders alone, however, show invention and
particular character, and essentially differ from each other: the two others
have nothing but what is borrowed, and differ only accidentally; the Tuscan is
the Doric in its earliest state; and the Composite is the Corinthian enriched
with the Ionic. To the Greeks, and not to the Romans, we are indebted for what
is great, judicious and distinct in architecture.
As a general comment, it must be noted
that whereas the shafts of all five Orders are fluted with the exception of the
Tuscan, the shafts of the
on Operative Masonry
How did these Five Orders impact on the
mason craft? Although not well understood outside an enthusiastic few (and not
always by them), the Five Orders exercised a considerable fascination, even if
sometimes indirect on craftsmen of all kinds, apart from architects and
interior decorators.
The Augustan Age (1700-1750) was
intensely interested in Architecture. To satisfy the needs of architects and
builders, and the curiosity of the dilettanti, numerous books on the subject
had been and continued to be published. Many indeed were devoted to the one
subject of the Orders and gave in great detail particulars of their dimensions,
modular relationships, proportions and so on.
Symbolism of the Orders
Why these Orders of Architecture are so
intimately linked with speculative Masonry? Why do we today see replicas of them
in our
We are reminded of the close connection
between early accepted and speculative Freemasonry on the one hand and
operative Masonry and architecture on the other. Bro T.O. Haunch, S.W., who in
moving the vote of thanks at the end of Bro Atkins’ 1968 Prestonian Lecture had
this to say and I quote:
and educated men of the eighteenth century, then, took a keen interest in
building and in development and refinement of styles of the late Renaissance,
and it is not surprising that many of them, as patrons of building works no
doubt, should have been attracted to Masons and Freemasonry. Nor is it
surprising, in the circumstances, that the five noble Orders should have been
grafted on to the developing system of speculative Freemasonry.
masonry, and accepted Freemasonry following it, already had a tradition of
pillars and columns. There were the two pillars of the Old Charges, the one which would not burn, and the other which
could not sink, which were the means of preserving the Seven Liberal Sciences
for posterity from God’s vengeance by fire and water. Then there was the basic
importance of, and interest in, the porchway pillars of KST. To these the
Augustan speculative Freemasons proceeded to add the columns of the five noble
Orders, and to develop their symbolism,
especially that of the three most celebrated, the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian,
as the traditional supports of the Lodge”.
on Speculative Masonry
quote from Bro Alex Horne’s 1964 Prestonian Lecture:
“With the coming of the Renaissance and the Reformation, the intellectual and religious mind of Europe had
taken a turn, and the formation of our own Grand Lodge in 1717 had thus brought
with it almost inevitably the injection into the new Speculative Masonry of the
elements, not of the ”barbarous” and now unpopular Gothic, but of the revived
and universally acclaimed classical architecture, of which the Five Orders were
at once the symbol, the epitome and the expression.
The influence of the “accepted” or
“speculative” masons was a sign of the times and a genuine reflection of the
intellectual spirit of the period. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
knowledge of architecture, more particularly of the Orders, was regarded as an
essential part of every gentleman’s education.
Probably it was this interest in the
art of building that induced cultural gentlemen of the period to join the
lodges; and this general interest of the age in architecture (comparable, let
us say, to the present-day general interest in music) may explain why, of all
the medieval arts, it was the mason craft, and not any other, that was seized
upon by the cultured gentlemen of that time and transformed by them into a speculative science”
research suggests that William Preston is held responsible for the introduction
of the Five Orders into the Masonic system.
Second Degree Tracing Board
Worshipful Master, every Mason of our
Constitution would be very familiar with the following extracts from the
Explanation of the Second Degree Tracing Board, and I quote:
five who hold a Lodge are the Master, two Wardens and two FC’s……Five hold a
Lodge in allusion to the five noble orders of architecture, namely the Tuscan,
Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite.
Lodge Certificate
Since the middle of the 18th
century certificates have been issued to Brethren. In 1819 the United Grand
Lodge first used a design with the Three Pillars in line across the
certificate, forming two panels. This certificate is known as the “Pillars
Certificate”, and, with modifications, is still in use today.
named after the Orders
It is very common to hear of Lodges of
our Constitution worldwide that derive their names from one or the other-
Doric, Ionic and Corinthian by far being the most popular.
manifestations of the Orders of Architecture in our Company Path Temple,
6.1) The floor candle-holders (as
indeed they were before the advent of electricity) of the WM, SW and JW’s are
patterned after the Corinthian Order with a fluted shaft.
6.2) The back of the Chairs of the WM,
IPM , Chaplain and other distinguished Brethren who sit on the dais are adorned
with a feature akin to the capital of a Corinthian column as part of their
WM and Brethren we have arrived at the
end of this excursion whose purpose was to explore the Five Orders of
Architecture. I hope that I have succeeded in providing to the Brethren a
better appreciation of their historical significance and Masonic symbolism.
It would be remiss of me were I not to
give credit to the sources that assisted me in compiling this paper
Neville Leyland Scott, LGR, Portico Lodge #7950, who at much personal sacrifice
gave of his time and traveled considerable distances from his home in West
Sussex on three occasions to the Library and Museum of Grand Lodge in London
(120 miles return) to do the initial leg
work, assemble the relevant literature, have it photocopied and posted to
Guyana.The research material that was made available to him is so jealously protected
by the copyright laws that he was not allowed to photocopy more than 10 % of
any one volume or paper.
I suppose that such selfless sacrifice and dedication can only
be expected of one who is a worthy Mason, a kinsman, a loyal cousin. I am
indebted to him.
Prestonian Lectures of Bros Alex Horne
(1964) and H. Kent Atkins PAG Supt of Wks (1968)
Five Noble Orders of Architecture by
Perce J. George, Mannum Lodge #97, Grand Lodge, South Australia
WM, I wish to thank you most sincerely for
allowing me this opportunity and my gratitude to the Brethren for the courtesy
of listening to me so attentively.
Thank you
(April 15, 2008)